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Achievements in Academic Field

  1. European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy - International Conference - Berlin, Germany - 2013. - Hysteroscopic findings and its correlation with latent endometrial tuberculosis in

  2. World Congress Gynecology - Barcelona, Spain - 2016 - Omeloxiphene in mastalgia of various origin

  3. AICOG 2013 - Mumbai - Omeloxiphene in mastalgia of various origin.

  4. Dakshin - 2009 - Trivandrum - Herniation of gravid uterus leading to near burst abdomen.

  5. All India congress of obstetrics and gynecology - Jaipur - 2009 - A rare case of ovarian leiomyoma.

  6. International conference on PCOS - GOA - 2008 - Hysteroscopic findings and its correlation with endometrial tuberculosis, Video film, PCOS.

  7. AICOG - 2008 - New Delhi - Early feeding after caesarean section.

  8. International conference on Fallopian tubes - 2007 - Calcutta - A rare case of florid cystic endocervicosis, video film, Tubes.

  9. All India Steel Medical Officers Conference - 2005 - Rourkela - Poster on Womb Stone.

  10. AICOG - 2004 - Agra - Study of cervical stenosis and Hematometra after S&E.

  11. AICOG - 2003 - Bangalore - A comparative study of Para cervical block verses IV sedation as analgesia in
    minor procedures.

  12. AICOG - 2002 - Bhubaneswar - Labor induction by PGE2 Gel a different mode of application.

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